我们,雀杰机电设备温州有限公司, 是一家专业从事户内外,高中低压电气设备的生产商和分销商。
同时,我们也进口国际知名品牌的电气设备,这些品牌如: “ABB","溯高美”,“施恩禧”,"施耐德“,"金穆勒”,“罗格朗”,"海格","欧姆龙","西卡姆","西门子","LG",“曼奈柯斯”,"PCE","霸士“和“维纳尔”等等!
We, Chage E&M Equipment Co., Ltd., which is proffessional manufacturer and distributor of Medium & High Voltage, Outdoor & Indoor Electric Power Equipments in China.
And our products are sold to domestic markets widely, furthermore, are exported to many countries worldwide.Meantime, we also import power equipments from world-well-known brand manufacturer, such as ABB, Socomec, Jean Muller, LG, Balse, PCE, S&C and Wohner so on.Our company lies in Wenzhou city Lucheng district, and her producing base lies in Wenzhou, Yueqing Economic Development Zone.
We would like supply customers with diversified and efficient electric power management solutions.